An all-in-one hookup & dating suite, SAFEsex utilizes the annonymity and personal security aspects of the SAFE Network to connect people as discreetly or as open as they desire. This technology returns privacy not only to people in their digital lives, but in their personal lives & relationships, as it should be.
First envisioned by SAFE Forums Member blindsite2k along with SAFEdate, SAFEsex has been proposed to give people the matchmaking experience they have been looking for. There have been many attempts on today's internet to create such an app, like Peppr or Redbook but since they were made on today's internet, they relied on servers (which the government took down). SAFE is immune to this, since the data is spread across the network, so this type of app finally becomes possible.
Offering a private and secure dating experience for all people of the world is just a start. A romance app on the SAFE Network could revolutionize many aspects not only of the internet, but of society. Being a peer-to-peer experience, it could make the prostitution economy much safer for those involved by removing middlemen--pimps--from the entire equation. Anyone needing the money could allow the Network itself to become the matchmaker, and violent pimps or gangs are no longer required. Such p2p advances make society safer and more lucrative for all.
Launch Date
It was expected that the network would launch at the end of last year, (and this app soon after,) however an amazing new coding language came out called "Rust" that turned out to be perfect for the SAFE Network to be created with. So, the team decided to restart the whole network from scratch in Rust. This means we will have to wait a few more months to see the network or this app. Follow it on Github!