The SAFE Network will take crowdfunding to a whole new level. Without any filters, anybody online will be able to propose a project and get unlimited instant & annonymous funding--via SafeCoin--from everyone else in the world. Businesses and projects will be able to launch within minutes instead of years, and entire industries will rise & fall with exponentially more efficiency.
Crowdfunding has been extremely successful for over 200 years. The Statue of Liberty would not exist if it wasn't for it's crowdfunding campaign, and--among countless examples--it proves that humanity can do awesome things when it works towards a common goal. The SAFE Network will allow crowdfunding to happen without any middleman (company, government, etc) to have any say in the matter, and everything can happen instantly. No red tape, no delays. SAFEstarter came from the Most Wanted Apps thread, and it is unknown if any version is being worked on now.
The app will have the tools for anyone to easily post writeups, drafts or videos of their project / inventions, and show them to the world. Also, it will have a place for them to enter their SafeCoin wallet address for instant and annonymous donations. Many amazing things came through crowdfunding, such as medical breakthroughs, technological inventions, and even Virtual Reality, and SAFEstarter will be much easier, since there is no interview requirement or hoops to jump through. Anyone can have a project up in minutes.
Launch Date
It was expected that the network would launch at the end of last year, (and this app soon after,) however an amazing new coding language came out called "Rust" that turned out to be perfect for the SAFE Network to be created with. So, the team decided to restart the whole network from scratch in Rust. This means we will have to wait a few more months to see the network or this app. Follow it on Github!